United For ALICE@Work

Thank you for visiting this site. You are taking an important step towards learning about who in your workplace is ALICE® (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed), and how your business can begin to support this segment of the workforce.
ALICE households throughout the country struggle to afford basic expenses — food on the table, child care, medical care, and more. Over a quarter of U.S. households were ALICE before the pandemic hit, and their financial hardship worsened as the crisis took its toll.
Your ALICE employees contribute so much to making your business run smoothly. Investing in ALICE gives these crucial employees the opportunity to thrive, creating a resilient work environment and improving the bottom line.
Understanding The Basics
Who is ALICE? Challenges ALICE faces at work How to create a workplace where ALICE thrives What is UnitedForALICE@Work Why taking action for ALICE matters Resources to support you in making a difference for ALICE
Explore Employer Strategies
A wealth of insights and information await you. Find out how business leaders across the U.S. are taking action for ALICE.